
Product Updates

July 2024

1st July 2024

Date and Time Range Attribute


Date/Time Attribute

Users can now set a plan’s date and time using the date/time selector, which ensures map objects display only if they have a repeating date/time attribute that matches the selected range.  Map objects without any repeating date/time attributes will be shown regardless of the selected date/time.

This functionality improves oversight of workforce shift planning. For example, if a steward is scheduled to work at a specific location on particular days or within a date range during an event, this new attribute allows users to see when stewards are on shift. This ensures clear visibility and efficient management of workforce schedules.

June 2024

11th June 2024

Improved Object Navigation


Improved navigation

Clicking an object from the sidebar or attribute table now pans and zooms directly to that object on the plan.

This is particularly useful for plans with multiple layers and multiple objects, where locating a specific object can be challenging.  Now, users can select an object from the sidebar or attribute table and the map immediately pans to the object, making it quick and easy to find exactly what you need.

May 2024

29th May 2024

Capability to Delete Duplicate and Unused Project Attributes


Any duplicate or unused project attributes can now be deleted, provided they aren’t used in other plans. This will help to declutter data, making it easier to quickly add attributes to your layers.

29th May 2024

Object Level Details Displayed in Attribute Table and Included in Exports


Object Level Details Now Displayed in Attribute Table and Included in Exports

Users can now view the level at which an object was created in an attribute table.

14th May 2024

Notifications for Downloads, Exports and Comments



Notifications for downloads and exports

Whenever you export or download files, or comment on a plan, a notification will now conveniently appear in the form of bell icon in the top right-hand corner, keeping you informed of your activities.

  • Immediate Notifications: Receive instant updates directly within the app when you export or download files, or comment on plans.
  • Status Updates: Easily view the progress and status of your exports and downloads.
  • Automatic Clearance: Notifications will automatically disappear after 7 days.
2nd May 2024

Maintain Permissions When Copying or Unlinking Layers


When copying or unlinking a layer, you can now choose to keep the permissions. Making it easier for you to retain the same access rights across any layer that you duplicate or unlink.

April 2024

23rd April 2024

Simultaneously Add Project Attributes to Multiple Layers


You can now add predefined project attributes to multiple layers at the same time. This will save you from having to add multiple attributes individually to each layer.

March 2024

29th March 2024

Adding Comments to Plans


Adding Comments to Plans
new comments f
eature enables users to collaborate effectively on their plans:

  • Users can create and view comments on plans, including while on mobile
  • It’s now easier to identify who has commented and to see all comments on a plan

Stay tuned for additional enhancements to this feature in the near future!

29th March 2024

Single Sign On


Now, enterprise customers have the capability to configure Iventis to use their organisation’s identity provider for authentication. For example, users can  login to Iventis using their company’s Microsoft Office account instead of needing a separate username and password.
Single sign on
Single sign on
functionality helps larger organisations manage access and ensures compliance with security policies.

29th March 2024

Recommended Layer Templates


Users will now be  presented with a recommended selection of layer templates tailored on to their event type. 

February 2024

27th February 2024

Image Attributes Feature for Uploading Photos and Images to Map Objects



Image Attributes Feature for Uploading Photos and Images to Map Objects

Users can now upload photos and images to map objects, using our new Image Attributes feature.

27th February 2024

Hyperlinks to Map Objects


Hyperlink to map objects

Users can now easily attach web links to map objects.

For example, it is now possible to attach a link to a document, which, upon clicking, will open in a new browser tab.

Trusted by the World's Best Since 2015

"Iventis helped us to provide a solution-led, end to end service for organisers of The Game Fair from CAD drawings and live operational planning to a visual sales tool that helped mark out the site on the ground."
Rupert Bassadone Founder, Event Site Design
“Birmingham 2022 is the largest event to be held in the UK since London 2012. That means it is an incredibly complex operation for us to manage. Iventis allows us to knit all of those requirements together in a single platform. It’s absolutely fantastic and so useful across the supply chain for everybody to have access across all of the different venues and fantastic from an efficiency and commercial value perspective”
Laurence Smith Head of Venue & Event Technology, Laurence Smith, Birmingham 2022
Agricultural Show Planning

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