Show Your Venue at its Best

  • Visualise your venue using CAD or 3D models
  • Create interactive tours
  • Show nearby transport connections, facilities and accommodation

Manage Your Operations

  • Plan staff deployment, equipment and infrastructure
  • Keep track of your assets
  • Plan by event, day, and time

Mitigate Risks and Liabilities

  • Manage the risks associated with tenancy costs
  • Prepare health & safety, contingency plans and guidance
  • Train staff and provide the ultimate visitor experience

Trusted by Venue Teams Since 2015

"Iventis supported us in the planning for Eurovision 2023 which took place across our campus. By developing our security plans through Iventis, we were able to work collaboratively with our stakeholders. We all worked together efficiently and effectively as a team, saving time by communicating clearly."
Digital Twin
Eddie dos Santos, Director of Operations and Venue Management The ACC Liverpool Group
“Birmingham 2022 was an incredibly complex operation for us to manage. Iventis allowed us to knit all of those requirements together in a single platform. It’s absolutely fantastic and so useful across the supply chain for everybody to have access across all of the different venues and fantastic from an efficiency and commercial value perspective”
Laurence Smith, Head of Venue & Event Technology

Collaborate with Event Organisers

  • Capture and create plans for each event
  • Share information with organisers, suppliers and partners
  • Exchange feedback through comments and discussions

Manage All Your Projects

  • Co-ordinate multiple activities and projects in one platform
  • Capture activities and plans by day and time
  • Visualise timelines and sequences with staff, suppliers, and events

Solutions for event organisers, suppliers, consultants, and functional areas.

Explore how we can help.

Agricultural Show Planning

Book a demo or try for free!

See how easy it is to showcase your venue, streamline operations, and make planning with event organisers a breeze.

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