February 2024

27th February 2024

Import KML and KMZ files onto Plans


Users now have the ability to import KML and KMZ file formats into their plans.

This widely used format, commonly associated with Google Maps products, allows data from Google Earth to be imported into Iventis.

January 2024

31st January 2024

Route Generator


Route Generator
The new Route Generator tool auto-generates routes, helping users to reduce time and improve the accuracy of routes such as pedestrian and vehicle routes.

  • Automatic route generation: Set origin and destination points by searching or clicking on the map. The tool calculates the quickest routes for cars, bicycles, or pedestrians over any distance
  • Automatic waypoint generation: Waypoints are automatically created and saved to your Layers allowing you to create routes by defining key points of reference that can be used for location and navigation
  • Precision control: For greater control and more complex routes, add intermediate points or drag the route to tailor it exactly how you want it 
  • Edit anytime: Even after saving, come back anytime to make further adjustments  
31st January 2024

Add Custom Remarks to PDFs


Users can add customised remarks to a PDF export for improved insights.  
This new feature allows users to add version information or other pertinent notes to PDF exports, which are displayed within the legend. 

15th January 2024

Precision Planning with What3words Integration



What3words is now integrated into the Iventis Planner as an attribute type.

With What3words, users can quickly pinpoint any 3 x 3 square in the world using a with a simple three-word phase. For instance, the central spot in Wembley stadium is represented by ‘years,spike.raced’. The integration provides users with the ability to:

  • Explain exactly where something is or should be, easier than relaying complex coordinates
  • Plan exact location information alongside other crucial data from directly within an Attribute table
  • Download What3Words data for multiple points

To see the feature in action, brought to life by Matthew from the Iventis Development Team, click here.

15th January 2024

GPX File Import Capability


Iventis now supports the import of GPX files , a widely used format in GPS software. Satnavs and running/cycling apps like Strava offer the capability to export GPX data which traces a route.

This latest feature enables users to physically walk, drive or cycle a route, such as a marathon route, and import it directly into Iventis to help plan events.

5th January 2024

Get Location Co-ordinates For Points, Icons and Models



Users can view, copy, or download coordinates (latitude and longitude) for any single-point map object, and access the coordinates for individual or multiple objects conveniently through the Attribute table.



5th January 2024

Time Attributes


Users can now capture times, or time ranges, as attributes.  Perfect for adding:

  • operating hours
  • shift patterns
  • and more time-related data

to your mapped objects.

December 2023

19th December 2023

Grouping Attribute Data to Analyse Quantities and Costs


Users can now group data in an attribute table, either by layer or attribute, to instantly see total quantities, costs, or any other specifics. This advanced feature also allows users to group data by more than one level, such as by both venue and layer.

Grouping attribute data makes it easier for planners to keep track of total resources and be able to monitor budgets in real-time.   To watch a short explainer video of how to use this feature, click here.

17th December 2023

Google Maps Imagery Added to Background Map Library


Google Maps

Users can now access the latest global satellite and aerial imagery from Google!  Google provides one of the most extensive and detailed sets of imagery across the world.

This latest addition complements the existing collection of  imagery providers, enabling users to select the most suitable background for their location.

November 2023

15th November 2023

Expanded Attribute Lists for Richer Data Analysis


This new feature provides users with the capability to expand attribute lists with additional columns. For example, a furniture list can now be extended to include suppliers, colours, and prices for each item. This unlocks powerful new analysis opportunities, helping users to closely monitor quantities and costs.

List attributes allow users to select from a list when adding objects to a plan such as a venue, type of equipment, role, or anything else.

October 2023

31st October 2023

3D Planning: Dynamically Resize 3D models


Resize 3D Models

This new 3D planning feature allows users to dynamically and precisely resize 3D models. Users can edit the size of:

  • Tables
  • Tents
  • and many other objects

 to plan more accurately.  Attributes can also be used to set the type and size of 3D objects. 

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“We were happy to team up with such a renowned company as Iventis which significantly supported our team in their planning and delivery. The system was used across several functional areas to develop plans and co-ordinate our efforts in the run up to the event.”
Lesleigh Klarmann Head of Guest Services, European Championships Munich 2022
"Iventis helped us to provide a solution-led, end to end service for organisers of The Game Fair from CAD drawings and live operational planning to a visual sales tool that helped mark out the site on the ground."
Rupert Bassadone Founder, Event Site Design
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